The 30 Day Photo Challenge

Thirty days of photography exploration. Who's excited? I'm excited.

Day 1: Words
 Looking for words representing me, what's a better way than shooting the school I attend?! Bellerose Pride!

Day 2: Technology

Fun Fact: This picture was taken with this minimal colour level. This is the top grid of a computer box; thus why it could even somewhat relate to technology.

Day 3: Nature
A macro of pine needles. I really like deep greens and sharp focuses.

Day 4: Clothing
The lighting really made this shot for me. It's soft and shadowy. I'm proud of this.

Day 5: Knowledge
I meant for this to represent what I think about throughout each day. Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing people aren't in there as well, but these are my priorities. They'll change every once and a while. That's how life works.

Day 6: Memories

Some days I reminisce.
Some days I'm sad because of it
But others it brings me joy.
Pieces of my life

Came together there
While others shattered

I make bad choices everyday.
Some last forever
Or for a fleeting moment.
Each second

Is a new oppurtunity.
Myrnam was complicated, but now a past stage in my life. Now St. Albert is my home.

Day 7: Innovation

This is from last summer! Innovation is taking something normal, and making it uniquely different. I was actually inspired by a really great Instagrammer* for this one, and I don't think I met his level of greatness in this edit, but I'm making progress!

*Instagrammer One who Instagrams.

Day 8: Sleep

As I grow older, I find the bed more welcoming each night. Sweet sweet sleep...

Day 9: Holidays

It's coming, and we need to prepare ourselves. Not just our houses but our hearts as well, so then He in us may freely dwell.

Day 10: Kindness

To give, is to find contentment.

Day 11: Friendship

Isn't it sweet
That friendship can be represented
In so many ways?
Imagination is a relief.

Day 12: Music

A completely homemade lyric photo for this song; I Like using mextures as a texture overlay. It gives a somewhat gritty look.

Day 13: Time

Time will not
Your soul wait for.

Day 14: Creativity

I had fun with this. I did it a while ago, last summer. I feel it captivates creativity, because it's not normal. It takes a cliche idea and plays with it.

Day 15: Family

They keep you going when everyone else has given up on you. There's a reason for family, and to be without is such a sad thing. I feel compassion for those who suffer in this way.

Day 16: Inspiration

And suddenly enlightenment dawned
On an innocent mind.
All the conflict,
Entered in.

Day 17: Weather

I just love the rain. It creates such a comfortable, warm feeling when you're inside looking out your bedroom window.

Day 18: Change

So much has changed. So much is different, and I am so blessed. I am loved; I am cared for. I can't really express the joy I feel when I look back on my life and see how God has worked in me. This is my change.

Day 19: Laughter

Silly Faces!

Day 20: Food

Cheeeeeesecake. :D <3

Day 21: Home

It's my safehouse; a place of rest.

Day 22: Color

Portions of colour are noticeable, just like little acts of kindness are noticeable in a world of sin.

Day 23: Energy

The lighting in this just entrances me and sucks me into a glorious sunset.

Day 24: Adventure

Travel away my son,
But only if you go in seek of my Heart.
Do not stray from thin paths,
With many forks.

Day 25: Beauty

Astounding eyes,
Not a cloud in her skies.

Day 26: Tradition

Every year we gather to celebrate,
Sad though
Isn't it
That we don't meet daily
And sing of His love.

Day 27: Sound

Music is so lovely. It conveys emotions even pictures can't comprehend. We pour out our hearts in music.

Day 28: Comfort

It doesn't need to be attractive, as long as it feels good!

Day 29: Art

Stay Alive.

Day 30:

I hear You say, 
My love is over, it's underneath.
It's inside, It's in between.
I did this for a project I made a while ago. I felt it was appropriate for the word. God is everywhere, and His love never fails. It's everlasting. It's in the trees above, and in the earth below. He floods us with it.

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