Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Assignment 4: Black and White Edits

Here I have two different edits, an infrared black and white picture, and a manually converted black and white image. Enjoy!

 This is a macro, enhanced with the effect. I thought the eyelashes would really compliment the infrared as everything is glowing and kinda blurred except the eyelashes. It's a nice contrast. Also, the monochrome allows for a glow that doesn't overpower the picture with colour.

And here's more of an interpretive photo. I just went for my standard edit by enhancing the darks and lights with "Curves" and then increasing the offset just a tad, to give it that overall grey melding. When I converted it to black and white, I wanted to keep the bokeh in the trees, so I just minorly adjusted each colour scale, to further increase the contrast. I also wanted to preserve that little bit of light on the hands. I feel like these two images almost go together. What about you?

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