Sunday, November 3, 2013

At His Throne

I felt guilty
To know that I am so privileged
And spoiled.

It eats at my soul
And I cannot tell you how much
I want to rid myself of this feeling.
A yearning has been born

To make better
This life
For others besides me.
Those less fortunate.

But where does the courage
Originate from,
That allows me to move mountains?
Where is the Faith that has led

Me in this life?
The want I have
Is to lead them all to Him.
I want to live so lowly

That they do not see
A Pompous man blabbering
Of his blessed life,
But a survivor;

A believer.
I want to be living proof
Of my Living God
Who in three days time

Rose from the dead to
Forever change the world.
At His throne
I seek to kneel,

But how do I go about living righteously?
Such perfection is immeasurable
And unattainable through myself
But not through He who gives me rest.

This writing is a question.
It's a want
It's a need.
To be more than I am.

I want to be the faithful Christian
Loved by few,
But led by my God so fully
That a glance would tell you as much,

Or even a sentence uttered from my lips.
To have Him flow through me
Is my goal.
I just pray I do not fall short.

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