Saturday, October 19, 2013

This Morning

This morning
I walked and saw
The glory of a rising sun,
And the elegance held by

Dancing shadows.
Soft breezes
Bent each bough
But not to break,

As all of nature seems to coordinate itself
Or more correctly,
God keeps things running.
He operates with heavenly efficency.

This morning
I walked and saw
The paved roads,
Made by toiling souls

Who are underpaid and overworked,
And then realized the trouble with that.
It's difficult to know
That each of us have shortcomings

That cannot be put to rest.
The system does not forgive,
Not like God
Who washes away our sins through Jesus Christ.

This morning
I walked then stopped
At my front door,
And was thankful

That I am provided for.

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